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Image by Evie S.


HA Essence 保濕精華

Sinnix represents the pursuit of exquisiteness for beautiful ladies with nuanced skin care.


As the sophisticated skin care brand, Sinnix originated from Korea's finest professional medical team through research and developments.


Through years of specialisation of Hyaluronic acid II+ and patent of “Hyaluronic acid manufacturing technology”, 5000 PPM 100% pure Hyaluronic acid was developed, establishing the elements of skin whitening, anti-wrinkle and repair all within Sinnix HA Essence. Effectively introducing skin whitening factors, improving skin tone, facilitating skin repair and growth, again promoting regeneration of skin, anti-aging and prolong youth.


Sinnix 代表著照顧肌膚細心入微以追求精緻的美麗女人



韓國頂尖醫學團隊專研補充人體透明質酸二十多年,以專利「研製透明質酸技術」,研製出5000PPM的100%純淨透明質酸,成就品牌成分美白抗皺修復三合一的Sinnix️ HA Essence 保濕精華,有效為肌膚細胞注入美白因子,提亮膚色,并促進肌膚修復及生長,賦活肌膚再生,凝止時間,延展年輕。


Store Policies

We founded Sinnix with one goal in mind: giving our customers a fair, rewarding and enjoyable shopping experience. We conduct business according to the same values, knowing that better service equals loyal customers. Our store policies are detailed below, please have a look and contact us if you want to learn more!

Marble Surface

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